I had to take a class called "VIS 2: Time and Motion Based Art" as part of my Studio Art Major . In general it was performance art, but it's definitely a class that I think everyone should take as a GE. Especially I dunno...computer science majors?
Almost half the class dropped out during the first week because the thought of being in public and performing art pieces was just too scary to many. I must admit the professor was really intimidating as well, but he definitely has valuable knowledge inside his crazy mind. I commend the people that stayed because VIS2 is definitely a test of boundaries, art skills, and the size of your metaphorical balls. I learned so much from doing performance art because it taught me a lot about how all art works function. All components of an art piece has to coexist and contribute to the single message of the artist. In terms of performance art, the performer himself/herself must always be significant in the performance. That's why it's called performance art.
The video above is one of my pieces called "Baggage". It was a process of trying to carry all the boxes to my body without leaving any box behind. You can see that it took me a while trying to figure out how I would carry over 5 boxes on my body. The tape definitely helped me out by allowing me to attach the boxes to my body more easily.
- The significance of this piece is that we all go through hardships in life even though we may seem perfect and polishes on the outside. We shouldn't leave any issue unattended because they'll always be on the floor waiting for us to deal with; waiting for us to carry them along and integrate them into our lives. The boxes symbolize the hardships in life such as love, hate, fear, or hope. You can see that I achieved success in dealing with my problems because I attached all the boxes to my body in the end. Although success isn't always achieved in reality, I chose to portray this piece positively to express the relief of dealing with all your problems and moving on...
"Your baggage knows your home address"
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